In this video our amazing provider Ranen will discuss with us the importance of being on schedule during laser hair removal treatments in order to have the best result possible.
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Hey everyone, it's Ranen from Aesthetic Skin, and today I wanted to talk about the importance of staying on schedule with your laser hair provider.
Um, during laser hair removal sessions. It is so important to make sure to continue to come in at this specific time instructed by your provider. And the reason why is because there's three different stages in the hair growth cycle and it is very important that we laser or target those hair follicles at the antigen phase, which is when the hair is most pigmented and the laser actually can see it better and will target and be more effective.
So if you're coming in every, you know, four to six weeks, that would be ideal. Um, I highly recommend for phase every three weeks and then the rest of the body every four to six. But if, um, you know, it's a patient that is getting a full body, it is very important then to make sure we are at the four week mark to make sure we're just getting more of an effective treatment.
So if you have any questions or concerns regarding your laser hair treatments, you can please give us a call or DM me, um, and we'll see you soon.